Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Training Program
Welcome to the RADACT website
November 20, 2024
It is with great sadness that RADACT announces it is closing its doors on December 31, 2024, due to lack of funding. I started RADACT in 1992 in Kodiak and have watched it grow to a statewide program filling the needs of Alaska’s behavioral health and chemical dependency professionals statewide.
Radact has gone through many changes over the years, from in person classes held throughout the state, to correspondence courses for those wanting courses they could do at their own pace to ZOOM classes in response to COVID.
I have made many friends, and met amazing people traveling the state teaching courses. Radact has trained thousands of individuals during its thirty-two years through our Academies, in person, zoom and correspondence courses.
Radact and I appreciate all the support we have received throughout the years from both programs and individuals statewide. I would like to thank all of you for your support.
At this time, we are guiding the Behavioral Health field to reach out to DBH for information on where to get CEU requirements filled. I wish the best to everyone!
To those who have outstanding correspondence courses please send them via email to Weybridge6440@gmail.com or mail them to:
Janet M Carter
P O Box 210132
Anchorage, AK 99521
Janet Carter, Executive Director
RADACT Classroom Classes
LOOK FOR IN PERSON CLASSROOM CLASSES COMING TO YOUR AREA!!! RADACT is coming to an in person meeting in your area. We are working on in person classes in Kodiak, Nome, possibly Juneau and Fairbanks. We look forward to seeing Alaska again!
Please select a community to view a list of available and upcoming classroom courses.
Zoom Courses
All classes available are listed on the RADACT web site under Zoom Learning.
Each course is an independent course, which means that students need to register for each specific course they would like to take rather than registering for the RADACT program. To register for a Zoom course, click Zoom Learning for the list of courses currently available, the course description, cost and registration information.
Video Course
Welcome to the RADACT video course on Cultural Aspects on Alaska Native Wellness and Recovery. This is an eight-hour course divided into four sessions with a five-question test for each session.
The course provides information on traditional lifestyles and practices of Alaska Natives. It discusses Alaska Native traditional health/healing practices and remedies, cultural values, and traditions. The course also discusses cultural history, barriers, and challenges to health care, thirteen traditional Native activities, medicinal plants, application of traditional healing, diet, and spirituality.
To register for the course, you can contact RADACT via email or by telephone at 907-563-9202. The cost of the course is $80. When the funds have been received by RADACT, we will email or fax you all the course information which includes – Power Point handouts for taking notes, handouts, registration, demographic, and course evaluation forms, the test for each session, and the course password.
When you follow the link to the course session, you will be asked for your password to view the video. This password was provided to you when you signed up and paid for the course. If you have not paid for the course yet, please contact RADACT to make arrangements.
While viewing the course, you can use the video controls to stop or replay the video as many times as required for review and note taking.
Here are the links to access the course
Session 1 45 minutes
Session 2 53 minutes
Session 3 34 minutes
Session 4 54 minutes
Your password will expire on the first of each month. Please contact RADACT for a new password if you have not completed the course or have any other questions.
Correspondence Courses:
RADACT offers various correspondence courses for both counselor technician, level 1 certification, and courses for recertification. Each course can be purchased independently of the other courses. Click Correspondence Course for a list of the correspondence courses, the course description, the cost of the course and the purchase information. Correspondence courses are available in the following formats:
- CD
- Flash drive
- Hard copy
You can download the Correspondence brochure here.
RADACT continually updates and adds new courses. Check “Announcements” below for any updates.
ANOTHER NEW CORRESPONDENCE COURSE: Need the Level Two Special Issues course? We now have an 8 hour course Criminal Offenders and Substance Use Disorder to fill part of the requirement. This course will fulfill the Special Issues Level One Counselor requirements.
RADACT has added a new correspondence course “Behavioral Health Services for Alaska Natives” that will fulfill the niche for individuals looking for an Alaska Native studies course.
The Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Training (RADACT) Program strives to increase the educational level of individuals entering or working in the behavioral health counseling field by providing courses to meet various degrees of experience and expertise. RADACT, founded in 1992, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing training opportunities to individuals beginning their journey towards chemical dependency/behavioral health counselor certification, clinical supervision and administration. RADACT provides, coordinates and delivers on-site training. RADACT also provides correspondence classes and offers a three-week intense training academy. RADACT’s offices are located in Anchorage, Alaska in the University Mall. Click the Location/Contact tab above for contact information.
Executive Director and Founder
Janet Carter
In 1992, Janet relocated to Anchorage from Kodiak, where she lived for eleven years. In Kodiak, she served as both trainer and director of the South Central Area Alcohol Training (SCAAT) Program. She started RADACT in her living room and held, once again, the positions of both trainer and director. Janet earned a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology/Counseling from the University of Washington. As RADACT’s Executive Director, she seeks out financial resources, writes all applicable grants, and oversees the general workings of the program.
Office Hours and Contact
RADACT Office Hours: Please call for office hours. 907-563-9202.
Contact RADACT
Phone 907-563-9202
Fax 907-562-7948
Email us.
RADACT Location:
The Regional Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor Training Program
3901 Old Seward Hwy, Suite 8, In the University Center Mall
Anchorage, AK 99503
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RADACT’s office can be found in the main University Mall hallway. Come in the center entrance near the jewelry shop and walk to the left down the hallway. |
RADACT’s comfortable waiting room is decorated with Alaskana. | ![]() |
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The spacious class room offers comfortable seating for lectures and discussion groups. |
Training Resources
Links to ATTC Network sites
Links to miscellaneous distance learning resources
- National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
- Hazeldon Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studie
- Laban’s Homestudy Trainings
- CEU University
- Professional Development Resources Inc.
- SALIS (Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists
- Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center Distance Education
- Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
- Quantum Units
Miscellaneous Resources
- Alcohol Rehab Help, Authoritative medical content based on addiction literature
- Michael Yeager’s Contemporary Teaching’s CEU, Contemporary teaching online
- AddictionCenter.com, Recovery Worldwide LLC (Comprehensive addiction information hub)
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (Information on drugs of abuse)
- Recovery Month
- Virtual Clearinghouse on Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment)
- Disclosing a Mental Health Condition to Others
- Disability, Substance Abuse & Addiction
- The Comprehensive Guide to Home Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Recovery
- Financial Burdens of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
- The Guide To Keeping Your Home Through Debilitating Disease
- 8 Ways to Prevent Relapse
- Healing After the Passing of Your Parent: How to Nurture Your Grief Without Drugs or Alcohol